Keyboard Skillz
We all know that the most important part about being a programmer is that you have to look like you’re doing cool and complicated things quickly on your screen. This is a quick guide to show you how to impress all your friends and colleagues with your keyboard mastery, and also make you more efficient at coding (that’s secondary of course).
Mac Terminal Shortcuts
command-t — start new tab
control-tab / control-shift-tab — cycle through tabs
command-up — scroll to last terminal command used
command-f — find
command-g / command-shift + g— find next/previous
Atom Shortcuts
command-shift-f — find all in project
command-p — find file in project
command-b — cycle through open tabs
control-tab / control-shift-tab— cycles through tabs
control-k — delete to end of line
command-d — selects everything similar to what you highlighted. great for mass changes of the same thing
command-click — let’s you use mouse to click (not cool) on the screen where you want to make mass changes
command-left arrow/right arrow — go to beginning or end of the line
control-command-up/down — move highlighted blocks of text up and down the page
command-\ — hides the project folder tree
This one:
You’re going to want to download this so that you never have to use a mouse or mouse pad like Steve in Accounting ever again.
Follow this guide on how to set up custom keybindings to avoid Alt-Tabbing like it’s 2007:
Quicksilver lets you set custom keyboard shortcuts to any application or automate anything that you do often.
An example could be googling an error message that you got or opening up Spotify. Quicksilver makes all of that and more possible in milliseconds.
You’re all set up to cruise your way through your screens and code like a real programmer. Now get to coding!